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Stinky Fish

Dom Dedic • August 19, 2021

It's the fish that John West reject, that makes them the best.

We believe that companies need to take the same approach with their projects.

What in the world do fish have to do with technology and business transformation? And why are you quoting John West, I hear you ask.

Stinky fish are the projects that make no commercial sense. The ones that shouldn't be touched with the proverbial barge pole. Yet, most developers quite happily take on these projects, ignoring that little voice at the back of their head that says, "I give them 12 months if they get past the beta stage at all". You don't have to look far to find these projects, just open your app store and browse all the applications that almost made it. Each one of these projects started as a moment of inspired madness, where a starry-eyed entrepreneur took the plunge into the abyss of early-stage innovation, with nothing more than a hunch and a dream.

Not very inspiring? Sadly, it's all too common.

We are very comfortable communicating the risks in these types of projects as soon as we identify them. It is not unusual for clients to be shocked at our honest feedback. We often hear phrases like "What? You don't want our money?" or "You don't believe in our vision!". That shock very quickly turns to relief when we explain the reasoning and they see the immense risk involved in pursuing a project that does not make commercial sense in the short term, and will not create any long term value.

We're not about winning jobs for the sake of winning the work. We're about creating measurable outcomes and memorable user experiences to help clients win market share. We aim to build meaningful long-term relationships with our clients to help them attract the capital investment they need to scale. We reduce the risk of investment in technology using an  decision framework and industry-leading technologies to launch at speed. This approach allows us to quickly validate new opportunities and respond to unseen threats as they arise.

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